Before and after using an encapsulant paint.
It's very glamorous being a duct cleaner - people take pictures of your bum!
Arrr! The Machado custom made brush. Years of fine tuning went into that brush.
Before and after showing some turning vanes. A lot a dirt was in this system.
Work in progress pictures. You never know what you're going to find.
Here's a duct coming to a filter bank. There was quite a bit of mold in this system.
Plugged coils! This system is going to be SO much more efficient now it's clean.
Men at work! There lots of different things to get done to restore an HVAC system.
Here we're cleaning a Variable Air Volume (VAV) box. They can be a challenge.
Coil cleaning. The major reason HVAC restoration can save you MONEY!
Just doing our thing.
Blower compartment!
Looking down a shaft.
Panel with missing fiberglass... I wonder where it went?
This building smells SO much nicer now!
Another one of those shafts. Small or large, we're happy to restore them all.
Mold - No Mold
Amazing what you find - how did that filter get there?
A BIG turning vane.
This is what we find, but not in your system .... I hope.
Thank you to the Machado crews for the pictures!
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